Equinox and Full Moon September
The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd at 9:55 PM EDT. This is our Autumnal Equinox and sets the tone for the next three months. The Cardinal (action) signs Aries, Libra, and Capricorn are emphasized in a T-square, so it's anything but boring. During this period we are testing our emotional sensitivity. Each of us can make necessary adjustments in our personal lives through an act of will. The world is very polarized; we are pulled in several directions at once. Find some balance!
With a challenge between the Sun, Mercury verses Saturn, completing any major project will require hard work and compromise. With Saturn, we can struggle against a sense of isolation. Plans are far reaching but unrealistic. Monitoring the scope of our plans and projections is required; other people's expectations tend to be overly inflated.
The Full Moon September 24th at 10:52 PM at 20 of Libra/Aries. The Aries-Libra Full Moon asks you to balance your individual needs and your relationship needs. Part of you is ready to forge a new path, and part of you wants to enjoy some comfort, beauty and sharing. Hopefully, there is a way to create a fresh start without stress. Venus and Mars are challenging each other and compromise seems out of reach. Raw mental assertion pushes in one direction, emotional impulses push in another. Decisions made now seem final but are not.
Find the BALANCE!!! Go outside and view the Harvest Moon
Full Moon October 2018: Hunter's Moon Or Harvest Moon
Equinox! Full Moon! Drumming! Meditation! Join us tomorrow September 23rd at 5:30pm for our Full Moon Beach Circle, at Robert Moses Field 5.
Plus a line up of amazing contributions from our guests!
To register, click here.
Plus a line up of amazing contributions from our guests!
Akiva The Believer, Musician + our Lead Drummer
Akiva is a long time professional hand drummer who has worked with many influential artists in the jewish community
Ku Khem, Artist And Musician + Luna's Co-creator
performing his Native American flute.
An artist and musician, Ku has been playing Native American Flute for over 20 years. Self taught, he is an improvisational player who uses the energy from the surrounding environment to create sounds scapes that capture the moment.
Susan Gelbman, Singing Bowls
Susan has a lifelong background in the Healing Arts. She will bring her singing bowls to enchant us with her healing sounds. Experience a profound level of relaxation. Check her out at www.susangelbman.com
The Flash Drummer's Community is joing us, lead by Michael O'Coote
Directions to Meet us:
Enter Field 5 and go to the far left end of the parking lot, towards the Lighthouse. Meet us on the sand at 5:30pm.
You can't miss us! Goddess Luna will be waving a pink feather!
5:30pm Check in
5:45pm Group Saging + Singing Bowls with Susan
6:00pm Intros, Luna + Ku Khem + Akiva The Believer (Meditation with Drum and Flute)
6:30pm Drumming + Dancing until 8:00pm
The September Full Moon falls in the fiery sign of Aries on the 24-25th and will help to wrap up the energies of the month passed as well as help us make some final pushes to take action on the areas we have been trying to overhaul.
An Aries Full Moon is always an emotionally charged one. Aries rules over the head and the Moon rules over our emotions, so we may find ourselves feeling hot-headed, angry or frustrated. On the flip side however, we may also find ourselves feeling passionate and motivated to make changes we have been longing to make.
Prior to coming to circle, please do this exercise:
Reflect where you are needing the extra push.
On a piece of paper, write down what are the obstacles preventing you from achieving your goals.
The Full Moon is a magical time to release what is not serving us, fueled by intention and the energy we create.
Bring the paper with you. Let's burn it!
Bring your Drums, your POSITIVE VIBES, and join us!
Ah! Don't forget a sweater/ blanket and water!
See you on the sand!
Your hostess,
Goddess Luna
These gatherings are supported by your generous donations.
Suggested Donation: $15+ or anything you can afford.
Your Event Organizer:
Goddess Luna is the Circle Leader for Goddesshood, a Divine Feminine Awakening Movement focused on building sisterhood, community and support for men and women in their journey to becoming the best version of themselves. Join Luna in mothly workshops to learn practical, empowering and self-mastering tools. Luna hosts a circle every month on or around the Full Moon. A Circle is a great way for both men and women to nurture and reconnect with source and balance the feminine and masculine polarities within, connect with other like minded people and honor our spiritual selves. We have a lot of fun too!